Training practices - Organizational Commitment- Tribalism- Yemen Islamic Banks Sector.
This study conducted in the Yemeni Islamic banking sector. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between Training practices as independent variables and Organizational Commitment as a dependent variable through Tribalism Relations as a mediating variable. The search focuses on employees, departmental guidelines and career development practices and their relationship to the level of commitment displayed by the employees. The quantitative design was used in this study to test hypotheses. 450 questionnaires were distributed to various employees in four Islamic banks in Yemen. 292 valid questionnaires were collected, representing 65%, which is acceptable in scientific research. Smart PLS-SEM technique is used to validate the measurement model and structural model which significantly contributes to the methodological aspect. The findings reveal that there is a significant impact on Training practices, and Organizational Commitment. Moreover, the results show that Tribalism is playing an important role as mediator on the relationship between Training practices and Organizational Commitment in the Islamic banking sector in Yemen.
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