CRM, social CRM (SCRM), social media, firm performance, mobile telecommunication services, Egypt
Purpose- The purpose of this study is to investigate the usage of social customer relationship management (SCRM) and its impact on firm performance in the telecommunication industry particularly the mobile services in Egypt.
Design/methodology/approach- This study used qualitative approach, which consists of semi- structured interviews. Twelve semi- structured interviews were conducted with the top management level from the four existing mobile operators in Egypt namely Vodafone, Orange, Etisalat and We. Data collected were analysed by using themed analysis.
Findings- It has been found that SCRM is a crucial tool for keeping long term relationships with customers which in turn affect the firm performance in terms of Growth and profitability in the Egyptian mobile telecommunication services.
Originality/value- This study contributes to the body of knowledge by providing insights and explanations regarding the extent to which the mobile operators use SCRM and how it affects their firm performance in Egypt, as one of the developing countries. Additionally, this study offers guidelines to the service providers particularly the mobile operators with valuable visions into the development of effective SCRM to be able to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.
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