sustainable practices, consumer behaviour, automobile industry, UK
Purpose: Sustainability plays a crucial part in consumer decision-making in a world that is changing quickly and where social and environmental issues are of utmost significance. With an emphasis on comprehending how sustainable activities affect consumer decisions, this research investigates the relationship between sustainable practices and consumer behaviour.
Methodology: The study uses a positivist research philosophy with a deductive approach. A survey strategy is used, and quantitative research methods are employed. A sample of 50 subjects was selected randomly, and a survey was conducted online. The population is drawn from the UK automotive sector. The questionnaires are designed using Google Forms, and the link is shared using social media.
Findings: The research confirms a positive relationship between sustainable practices and consumer behaviour, indicating that customers are choosing more and more goods and services consistent with their sustainability beliefs. The results show a high positive correlation between sustainable practices and customer choice, suggesting that sustainable practices influence consumer choices.
Study contributions and implications: By highlighting the importance of sustainable practices, this study adds to the expanding body of information on sustainability in the context of consumer behaviour. Moreover, the research offers a strong foundation for companies and decision-makers to create plans that suit customer tastes and enhance the sustainability of goods and services. Businesses hoping to prosper in a conscientious market must comprehend customers' behaviour and motives as they seek environmentally friendly solutions. In addition to illuminating the beneficial relationship between sustainable practices and customer behaviour, this study emphasises how urgent it is for companies and decision-makers to prioritise sustainability in their plans and choices.
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