Sustainability of retail infrastructure; resilience from ageing; sustainable use of resources in retail and responsible consumption; enhancing implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals; retail Infrastructure rating tool; adaptability of sustainability aligned retail infrastructure across ASEAN, SAARC, Middle east and North Africa with European Union, North America and Latin America
This paper charts the sustainability aligned mandate on retail infrastructure roadmap with respect to (i) resilience to vulnerability of ageing retail infrastructure (ii) value-bridge between business of retail growth with responsible consumption to enhance implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. (iii) possibility of Sustainability aligned- retail Infrastructure rating tool (iv) adaptability of Retail Infrastructure across ASEAN, SAARC, Middle east and North Africa along with research notes on future best practices in European Union, North America and Latin America. The overall fabric of special issue of the Journal of Business & Retail Management Research (JBRMR) themed on Impact of Sustainable Development Goals on Retail Infrastructure received an array of innovative, substantive and robust submissions. Modelling and coordination mechanisms with respect to retail infrastructure competitiveness with sustainability addressed the alliance coordination mechanisms on Retail Infrastructure from the governance lens (Ongsakul, Parameswar and Dhir, 2019). The next paper on the Promoting Responsible Service Policy attributes perceived service recovery performance on retail infrastructure sustainability (Nuansi & Ngamcharoenmongkol, 2019). The complaints and issues resolution play a significant role in ensuring reputability of retail infrastructure. This opens innovative avenues for retail research frontiers with respect to redesign, retrofit, rejuvenation in facets of Retail Infrastructure. Sustainable development in practice with a reality check-based case analysis on a reputable retail leader underscores the dynamic recast, reconstruct and revitalization needs for retaining leadership position in retail infrastructure (Withisuphakorn, Batra, Parameshwar and Dhir, 2019). While the Retail Infrastructure Alliance model underscore the role of services, two papers in this special issue build Retail services as a value bridge, namely, the paper on the influence of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on Customer-Based Store Equity (Soonsiripanichkul and Ngamcharoenmongkol, 2019) and brand personality’s role to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Thailand (Auemsuvarn, 2019).
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