Intergenerational, Consumption, Festive, Occasion, Ramadan, Behavioral
Purpose of the research: Exploring the motivations behind Egyptian’s consumption during the festive occasion (FO) of Ramadan, in addition to exploring and understanding the intergenerational influence and the intention-behavioral gap between an old and young generation. Such exploration provides an insightful distinction between each generation, including their personal motives for consumption, which shapes their intentions to behave and their actual consumption behavior during the festivity.
Design/methodology: A multi-method qualitative study is chosen by carrying out focus groups and interviews. Most of the analysed date is generated based on interviews with the young (20-44 years old) and old generation (45-70 years old), pre and post Ramadan. Transcription and content analysis is employed using NVivo - a computer assisted program.
Results/Findings: The main themes explored, such as extrinsic motivation, reflect the different influences on buying behavior, in addition to how they differ from one generation to the other. The main motivations of festive occasion consumption for both generations are also explored.
Practical implications and Conclusions: The current study has a dual contribution with theoretical and practical implications. It contributes theoretically through identifying the personal motivations of both generations and developing an understanding of the intention-behavioral gaps in the young generation. In terms of its practical contribution, the study serves as a guide for businesses through typifying the specific consumer segments of the old and young generation through their personal motivation characteristics to be able to offer their segments more specific marketing strategies.
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