Designer Reputation Belief, Social Media Communication, Fashion Store Environment, Customer relationship, Intention to purchase, Designed fashion product.
Customer relationship management is an essential activity for business because customer relationship becomes a critical concept between business and consumer behavior. The need for fashion is emerging as an essential human need, not only in developed countries but also in developing countries like Vietnam. The purpose of this study is to define the constructs related to the fashion designer, which will impact the customer’s purchase intention under the mediator of the customer relationship. The primary research methodology is a quantitative research method with the survey via a questionnaire. Through a survey of 567 consumers, the research has shown that fashion designer reputation belief, social media communication, and fashion store environment are the antecedents of the customer relationship. Moreover, customer relationship is the mediator of the above factors and the intention to purchase designed fashion product. The study contributed to confirm the relationship theory in the fashion industry, especially in designed fashion products, which is not concerned by the researchers in the past. Furthermore, the study proposed some managerial implications related to the fashion designer reputation belief, social media communication, and fashion store environment for fashion designers.
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