brand equity, brand loyalty, cognitive, affective, conative
The purpose of this study was to identify and assess the antecedents of brand loyalty from the perspective of Oliver’s (1997) cognitive, affective, and conative theorization of consumer loyalty. A convenience sample of 285 students across multiple majors of study completed a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire included brand equity, brand satisfaction, and brand loyalty items. Each item was measured based upon a seven-point Likert scale. Two jean brands, one premium jean brand and one nonpremium jean brand, were utilized to assess the items. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed to test proposed research hypotheses. Based upon Oliver’s theorization of consumer loyalty, a positive relationship was confirmed between brand emotional value and brand satisfaction, brand emotional value and brand loyalty, and brand satisfaction and brand loyalty for both jean brand groups. This study indicated a lack of association between brand awareness and brand emotional value. This notion suggests that even if a retailer carries a brand with high awareness, that brand will not necessarily invoke an emotional value in the consumer. Therefore, retailers should consider stocking more than just well-known brands, and make sure that the brands they carry meet the functional and non-functional needs of their consumers.
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