Bahrain real estate companies, corporate identity, corporate image, communication, managing corporate identity, Social media.
Purpose of the Research: This study aims to understand the use of social media in building and managing corporate identity in Bahraini real estate companies. It will be based on the qualitative approach and aim to reach a deeper understanding of the perceptions adopted by Bahraini real estate companies in developing identity-building strategies and management methods.
Design/Methodology: The study will focus on a sample of Bahraini real estate companies. It will also rely on semi-structured interviews as a data collection tool with managers, decision-makers or public relations managers of these companies.
Results/Findings: Most of the real estate companies (8 out of 11) agreed that traditional media, such as newspapers, radio, and television, were unable to promote the company's services because of its narrow scope. New media should be used to target wider audiences.
Practical Implications/Conclusion: The authors argue that managers should adapt to the new form of communication and take advantage of the power of consumer chatter in these ways and amplify them to influence other consumers. The interviews revealed that the use of the Internet has changed the behavior of consumers, and the marketing methods of products and services, as it created a new marketing environment in these media.
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