E-CRM, expected security, convenience of website design, E-loyalty, electronic banking satisfaction.
This study aimed to investigate the micro-linkages between electronic customer relationship management (E-CRM) and electronic loyalty of customers, through electronic banking satisfaction as a mediator variable. specifically, the neglected roles for expected security, convenience of website design. To achieve the objectives of the study, four basic hypotheses were formulated, it's were tested using preliminary data collected through the survey list, Data was collected by a convenience sample, the sample of study consisted of (370) customer who representative of the community of customers of Egyptian commercial banks who dealing electronically, Data analysis and hypothesis testing have been depended on use methods of a structural equation modeling, confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, and direct and indirect analysis by using the Bootstrap method, The study found a significant correlation between the dimensions of the E- CRM (expected security) and The intentions of repeat e-dealing and providing customers positive words to others, A significant correlation was found between the convenience of website design and providing customers positive words to others. While there is no significant relationship between convenience of website design and intentions of repeat e-dealing. And the electronic banking satisfaction does not play the role of mediator in influencing the relationship between E-CRM dimensions (expected security) and providing positive words to others, and the intentions to repeats electronic transactions. So, Managers are likely to increase customer's loyalty by providing technological protection mechanisms for electronic banking transactions and enhance convenience requirements on the website in terms of ease of use and immediate customer problem solving, predisposing positively Customer’s attitudes towards the banks.
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