shopping mall, customers satisfaction, customer loyalty, quantitative research, descriptive analysis
The shopping mall retailers are operating in a highly competitive retail environment which requires effective management in order to satisfy the customers and achieve customers’ loyalty. The primary purpose of this paper was to determine the satisfaction and loyalty among shopping mall customers about the shopping malls. Secondly, this study aimed to determine whether statistically significant differences exist between the means of the shopping mall customers considering their age groups and gender. A quantitative research approach was followed to achieve research objectives. Self-administered questionnaires were used during data collection at the Kolonnade Shopping Centre in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Descriptive statistics and parametric tests, in the form of independent samples t-tests and One-way ANOVAs, were used to determine significant differences between different age groups. SPSS Version 23 software was used for analysing quantitative data. Internal consistency reliability of the measurement scales measuring shopping mall customers’ shopping motives were assessed by calculating Cronbach’s alpha values. The results of the study uncovered that the satisfaction level amongst the shopping mall customers tend to be high. The results further provided an important understanding of the relationship of demographics (age and gender) on customers’ satisfaction levels and loyalty at the shopping mall. This study contributes to the current literature and provides valuable information to retailers and shopping mall developers in general, with regard to marketing communications and marketing strategies that aim to attract shopping mall customers. Suggestions for future research are provided.
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