big data, data analysis, e-Government, service-oriented
The transition into a service-oriented government is the focal point of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) administrative transformation. This transformation must be conducted according to the specific needs of each local municipality. SMG provides a customized service for individual citizens and support job creation by opening and sharing public information and offering the advanced service to help their local business which is called ‘Golmoksangkwon Analysis Service’. This service is using big data analysis and service-oriented government in SMG. This paper discusses the efforts of SMG to provide information service which is based on big data analysis for local businesses. Information providing units for commercial and sector analysis were constructed from the various viewpoints by establishing a local business area including the existing administrative districts. SMG expects to contribute to improving the competitiveness and self-sufficiency of self-employed people by supporting the policy macro perspective of self-employed people by analyzing the factors affecting the business environment of the local business through big data analysis.
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