Customer’s Prior Experience, Interactional Justice, Procedural Justice, and Customer Personality
This research tests and analyse the influence of customer’s prior experience toward procedural justice and interactional justice perceived by customer toward the process of service recovery through the moderation role of customer personality in the e-banking service on three state-owned banks in West Java, Indonesia. The respondent of this research is e-banking customer in three banks (BRI, BNI, and BTN) in West Java, Indonesia with 300 respondents. The analysis technique that is used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research result proves that: (1) there is a positive and significant influence of customer’s prior experience toward interactional and procedural justice, (2) customer’s experience moderates the influence of customer’s prior experience toward interactional and procedural justice. This research result provides theoretical contribution toward the development model of customer’s prior experience in the process of service recovery on e-banking service with the moderation variable of customer personality. Besides, this research finding is also useful for e-banking service in Indonesia as a strategy to decide service recovery that provides sense of justice as the key to customer satisfaction.
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