
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Customer-Based Store Equity (CBSE), Store Association, Store Awareness, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


The sustainable development goals (SDGs) commenced globally in 2015. The execution of the SDGs is described as "Localizing the SDGs" to emphasize the role of local establishments and local players. The concern of SDG-related issues and concepts appears to be rising and is in line with the appreciation of its considerable potential. During the last decade, the concept of brand equity has been considerably utilized (or localized) in the context of the store, which is termed customer-based store equity (CBSE). We contribute to this localizing viewpoint by studying how the inclusion of the SDGs, particularly corporate social responsibility (CSR), influences local store equity. We propose eight major means by which the SDGs play a key role in creating CBSE, including 1) building store awareness; 2) developing consumer-self imagery; 3) engaging with store personality; 4) enhancing perceived store credibility; 5) enriching store reputation; 6) evoking store feeling; 7) cultivating store trust and loyalty; and 8) improving store perceived quality. We discuss the implications of our research propositions and provide directions for future research.

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