Service recovery, procedural justice, perceived safety and Nigeria’s domestic airline.
The aim of the paper is to empirically examine how perceived safety and procedural justice effect satisfaction service recovery of domestic airline passengers in Nigeria. The study uses survey method, quantitative in nature. Using PLS SEM the conceptual model was tested with a sample of 444 passengers obtained through cluster sample. From the result, both perceptions of safety and procedural justice are important to domestic airline passenger satisfaction when evaluating the airline's recovery effort in Nigeria. Empirical evidence showed that satisfaction service recovery is directly influenced by perceived safety and procedural justice.
The main limitation is that the study uses cross-sectional sample of airline passengers. It also relied on information from prospective domestic airline passengers, while neglecting other type of passengers. The research shows that passengers’ perception of safety, determine their satisfaction with service recovery. It shows that in situations of failure similar to the present, safety perception, procedural justice should be given preference during service recovery.
The study fortifies the justice theory in service recovery of domestic airline context by including perception of safety. However, through empirical testing the perception of safety, procedural justice variables determine satisfaction with recovery. It suggests that airline industry faced with service failure need to consider the passengers’ perception of safety and procedural justice during recovery.
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