e-Service Quality, Website Services, Value Added.
This study addresses the gap of how businesses vary in quality services of its website by investigating the e-Service Quality and its impact on achieving students' value added at private universities in Jordan. A descriptive and quantitative methodology are used. To achieve the study objectives. A Likert scale questionnaire was designed and included (30) statements to collect data from the sample which consists of (480) respondents. Then, a statistical correlations and regression tools used to analyze data. The study showed that e-Service Quality related to achieving a student’s Value Added. Findings have also proved the impact of e-Service quality on achieving students' Monetary value and achieving students' Beneficial value. Multiple regression indicated that “adequacy of information” and “website design” have the highest impact on achieving Value added. We concluded that sophisticated content, user-friendly well-constructed, and professional university’s web design would improve students’ experience, and add much values to students.
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