Sustainable development, triple bottom line, L’Oréal, environment, social, economic
Purpose: This paper attempts to analyze sustainable development initiatives undertaken by businesses and discuss them in relation to the literature on sustainable development and triple bottom line. Extant literature lacks studies that provide a detailed account of the application of sustainable development initiatives in the real business case.
Methodology: The paper utilizes a case study methodology to understand the method by which sustainable development is efficiently pursued by an organization. The case of sustainable development efforts pursued by L’Oréal is discussed.
Findings: L’Oréal effectively pursues sustainable development initiatives without compromising on its economic prosperity. Moreover, it is evident that organizations must embed sustainable development principles in all their activities in order to achieve the triple bottom line.
Practical Implications: The paper contributes to the practitioners by providing a detailed account of the ways and means by which sustainable development is efficiently pursued by an organization. This can act as a guideline for decision making in a different business context for taking up sustainable development initiatives.
Research Implications: The paper provides a practical approach for taking up research on sustainable development forward and suggests that future research must incorporate business cases as a method to discuss the implementation of sustainable development activities.
Social Implications: This paper attempts to bring forward a business case wherein sustainable development is pursued and provide evidence to demonstrate that sustainable development is possible.
Originality/Value: This paper is amongst the few papers that go beyond the theoretical and empirical assessment of sustainable development. The case analysis determines that sustainable development must be an organization-wide initiative and requires a long-term commitment to being successful.
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