Image Management, Competitive advantage, product Differentiation, Public Trust, Reputation and Social responsibility
The key to acquire a favourable image and reputation is the management of an organisation’s identity.
The study examined the effect of corporate social responsibility on organisations’ productivity, it also sought to ascertain the effect of corporate reputation on organisations’ growth, as well as assess the effect of product differentiation on strategic advantage. The study adopted the survey research design which was conducted through the administration of a structured questionnaire designed on a five-point Likert scale format for ten selected manufacturing firms in South East, Nigeria. The sample size of 563 was derived from the population of 9038 employees of junior and senior category of the manufacturing firms. Findings from the logistic regression revealed that corporate social responsibility positively affected organizations’ productivity; corporate reputation had a positive effect on organisations’ growth; and product differentiation positively affected strategic advantage. The study affirmed that corporate image management is an essential key for obtaining and maintaining public trust. And that manufacturing firms in Nigeria should carry out corporate social responsibility to gain public trust and better image, which in the long run will increase patronage and profitability.
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