
Commitment, Communication, Loyalty, Product quality, Repurchase, Satisfaction, Trust, Word-of-mouth


The purpose of this research paper was to examine if product quality, trust, customer satisfaction and communication have a positive influence on customer loyalty. Furthermore, the research intended to determine the outcomes of customer loyalty in the Gauteng province of the South Africa leafy vegetable market. Data was collected through purposive and convenience sampling technique using self-administered questionnaires with the assistance of research assistants. A total of 367 respondents completed the questionnaires. A structural equation modelling technique using the partial least squares (PLS) approach was used to analyse the data. The results show that of the selected antecedents of customer loyalty examined, only customer satisfaction was identified as a significant determinant. With regard to the outcomes, the results show that commitment, word-of-mouth and repurchase intention are outcomes of customer loyalty in the South African leafy vegetable market. The implications for both academic and managerial decision makers are outlined.

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