This article identifies and examines the principles and role of social auditing and discusses its relevance in educational institutions. Social auditing is deemed to be of relevance in as much as it helps to derive information on perception of stakeholders about not only the institution but also the workforce. It identifies some of the ideas that could enable the institution to reach its goals and objectives. The article focused on the role of the lecturer within an educational institution. As a channel of imparting knowledge, the lecturer’s performance in any given time is examined in relation to the course outline, indicating the goals set by the lecturer for the course, and the lecturer’s evaluation forms completed by both the students and other stakeholders. The importance of a course outline and an evaluation form is seen in their ability to generate feedback to the university administration and lecturers on their performance during a specified period. Applying social auditing principles in educational institutions is therefore aimed to increasing the efficiency of information gathering about whether the institution is meetings its goals and objectives. In addition, it brings to fore the required recommendations needed in ensuring that lecturers are efficient and also to aid management in decision making
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