Online consumer shopping behaviour, convenience, perceived usefulness, security, South Africa, frequency of purchase
Technology advances such as Internet have changed consumers shopping behaviour and increased South Africa consumers online shopping in the last few years. The purpose of this research paper was to determine the consumer attributes that influence online shopping behaviour of South African consumers. The paper determines whether consumer attributes influencing online shopping differ across consumer demographic factors and frequency of purchase. Online shopping has been a topic of interest for many researchers in SA and globally. As online shopping gain momentum among consumers, it is important for online retailers to understand what influence consumers to shop online. This is more important for developing countries such as SA. The population for the study was SA consumers who have internet access. A convenience sampling method was used to reach 104 respondents in SA. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 24. Various statistical analysis such as descriptive statistics, factor analysis and Anova were used. The findings of the study revealed that consumers attributes: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and security have an influence on their online shopping behaviour. The conducted research also established that age of consumers, significantly influence on online shopping while gender, income and education level have no significant influence towards online shopping consumer behaviour. The attributes differ across the frequency of purchase with those frequently buying attaching more value to perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of online shopping.
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