Performance Appraisal, Staff, Effectiveness, Satisfaction, Bank
Performance appraisal is very much essential for the HR managers to adopt administrative decisions regarding promotion, fringes, pay-offs, and merit pay increment of the employees. The article attempts to evaluate the existing performance appraisal system of Mercantile Bank Limited, one of the leading private commercial banks in Bangladesh. Efforts were made to reveal the problems and suggestions for the improvement of the performance appraisal system of the said bank. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques of gathering and interpreting data were applied. The key findings of the study suggest that there are some pragmatic gaps in the process of performance appraisal. The employees gave divided views on their satisfaction level about the performance appraisal procedure. The employees, in general, perceive the process of the appraisal system a tool of biased judgement for assessing their performances. The practical implication of the study is that it will facilitate the management of the bank to formulate time worthy performance appraisal policy so that the managers can conduct effective performance appraisal program ensuring satisfaction of the bank staffs.
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