Shopping Mall, Ambience, Safety, Amenities, Structural Equation Modeling, Bangladesh
Growing competition amongst contemporary forms of shopping malls has made mall developers and management consider devising methods that enrich the experience of the customers. In this study, an attempt was made to explore the antecedents to the shopping experience at the mall. For this purpose, a survey instrument was developed for measuring the respondents’ opinion. The constructs developed for this study were tested and validated by means of multidimensional procedure on a sample of 284 mall shoppers in Bangladesh. Structural equation modeling was applied to test the hypotheses developed for this study. Among the three exogenous factors analyzed in this study, two factors namely ambience and amenities have a significant influence in determining customers’ shopping experience, while the third factor, named safety, exerts a statistically insignificant impact. It is reasonable to conclude, based on the evidence gathered from the study that, an enriched shopping experience can be facilitated by mall managers as a relational outcome of managing ambience and amenities. Being the first of its kind, this research work delves into the interrelated dependence among the factors that in turn influence customer experience at the shopping malls in the context of Bangladesh.
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