Social Network, Peer Communications, Social Network Groups, Brand Fan Pages, Paid Advertisement, Purchase Decision
Social Network has enabled a significant growth in our daily interaction with each other. As we spend a considerable amount of time on this platform, it now plays a big role in consumer purchase decision-making journey where teens are considered as the changing agent. Hence, brands are increasingly trying to engage consumers, especially teens through social networking platforms. However, the space is much cluttered as numerous activities are taking place there. The purpose of the study is to find out the activities in Social Networking Sites that the brands should leverage to make an impact on purchase decision among the teens of Dhaka. Online Peer Communication, Social Networking Groups, Brand Fan Pages and Advertising on Social Networking Sites are considered as antecedents and Purchase Decision is considered as outcomes. Hypotheses have been developed accordingly and tested through applying Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS 20. A survey was conducted among 381 college and university students across Dhaka city. The research findings reveal that the Social Networking Groups, Brand Fan Pages and Paid Advertising have an influence on Purchase Decision. Surprisingly, Online Peer Communication came insignificant. The research findings provide media investment management guidelines to the advertisers who are willing to promote their brands through Social Networking platforms.
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