Price, Ease of Use, Usefulness, Purchase Intention, Online Shopping.
Online shopping is overgrowing around the globe. Consumers unite and combine their purchasing power in order to bargain for a significant volume discount from a seller. On the other hand, it also helps the new seller to enter the competitive markets easily. The objective of this study is to examine the relationships among the factors and to assess how it influences consumers' purchase intention on online shopping. The main problem that online retailer faced nowadays is how to attract the consumer's purchase intention toward online shopping especially among the student because we know that most student does not have fixed income. So it will prevent them from spending more on online shopping. In order to make a business successful, some good strategy needs to be implemented, and the retailer does not only need to acquire the new customers but also need to retain the existing customers. Purchase intention as the possibility of purchasing a special brand in a product category during purchase. There were 200 sets of the questionnaire had been distributed randomly among the PPIPT students. The present study used descriptive statistics, regression, and Pearson correlation. In short, price, ease of use and usefulness can only explain (R Square = 0.973) variation of factors influencing consumers' purchase intention towards online shopping. Durbin-Watson considers the accepted range of 1.486 shows there was no autocorrelation problem with data. The condition index= 77.598, VIF= 1-10, and tolerance fell =0.1-10 within the accepted range. F-value is found to be a significant level (Sig. F = 0.000). The regression model used in this study is adequate, the model is fit. As a conclusion, a lack of confidence and trust in utilizing the Internet as a shopping channel. The ethnic group also dominated by Malay only which could be a source of bias.
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