
Age Management, Quantitative research, Logit Model, Organisation, 50+ Employees


There are currently significant differences in the approach to various age groups in many fields of human activity. Due to the global demographic trend of an increasing age of population and growing number of people in the 50+ category, it is necessary to adopt measures that take age into account on the social level and also in the process of organisational management; these measures are collectively referred to as age management. The aim of this paper is to identify and evaluate factors on the organisational level that influence the application of age management in organisations. The partial objective is then to determine the impact of these organisational factors. The data was collected through quantitative research, specifically a survey among n = 549 selected organisations in the Czech Republic. The results show that significant factors influencing the application of age management include the sector in which the company operates, size of the organisation and majority ownership. The article provides the formula for a logit function that can be used to determine the probability of various scenarios of the application of age management in organisations. The article is focused on organisational factors influencing the application of age management in practice to build the employer’s good brand and to attract knowledge workers. 

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