Customer Relationship, Brands Value, Retail Settings, Service Quality
This study endeavoured to examine the antecedents of customer’s willingness to buy store branded household cleaning products. The study examined this phenomenon in a retail setting by considering the key constituents of perceived value, as proposed by Sweeney, Soutar & Johnson (1999). Respondents were recruited through an in-store survey and the data analysed using PLS path modelling. The results verify those identified by Sweeney et al. Strong relationships between perceived relative price and perceived product value, as well as between perceived product value and willingness-to-buy, were found to exist. A powerful negative relationship was observed between perceived product quality and perceived risk. The results indicate that establishing a value perception is critical in the buying process. Tangible cues exhibiting high quality (e.g. packaging, shelf space, media placement, etc) need profound attention. Furthermore, it is suggested that risk, which plays an important part in the consumer decision process, is minimised through optimal retail service quality and customer reassurances.
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