Commercial bank, Frontline personnel, Knowledge, Quality, Service delivery
Service quality is no doubt one of the criteria used by existing customers or potential customers to make decision of their continued patronage or choice of service provider. However, knowledge gap of regulatory requirements cum standards among bank employees especially the frontline personnel have been reported as a factor which has contributed to inconsistent service quality delivery and service delivery failure to bank customers in Nigeria. It is against this background that this study assessed the extent to which knowledge of banking services among the frontline personnel is significant to quality of service delivery in the Nigerian Commercial Bank.
The study employed survey research design through which primary data were collected from four hundred and seventy-two (N=472) bank customers of Union Bank Nigeria Plc. in Lagos State. Data was obtained through structured questionnaire. The data gathered were analyzed with both descriptive and inferential statistics. Results revealed that service quality delivery remains significant in the commercial bank and that there is a significant relationship between knowledge of banking services among frontline personnel and quality of service delivery in the Nigerian commercial bank. Based on the findings, the study concluded that knowledge of banking services among frontline personnel significantly influenced banking services delivery to customers and that the adequacy of the knowledge in banking services are significant to ensuring efficient quality service delivery in commercial bank. It was subsequently recommended that management of the banks should always train their staff while frontline personnel should promote
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We sincerely appreciate the management of Covenant University for the support and sponsorship of this research work.