Demographics, shopping motivations, store choice, supermarkets
The changing retail environment necessitates a need to manage supermarkets effectively by understanding shopping motivations in order to attract shoppers and remain competitive. The purpose of this research was to determine the factors that motivate shoppers to visit and buy from certain branded supermarkets. In addition, to determine if there is any relationship between shoppers’ demographics and shopping motivations. The survey reached 3494 shoppers online of whom 104 responded. The data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 24 for Windows. The findings of the study revealed that shoppers visit specific branded supermarkets for gratification shopping, value shopping, to search for good service and product quality, social shopping and brand hunting. In addition, the findings indicated that gratification shopping and shopping for good service and product quality are significantly affected by gender. Furthermore, the findings revealed there is a significant difference among age groups regarding gratification and social shopping. Moreover, the study found that there is a significant difference among monthly income groups regarding value shopping, social shopping and brand hunting. The findings of this study provide insights for both researchers and retailers to gain a better understanding of supermarket shopping motivations and the relationship between shoppers’ demographics and shopping motivations.
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