pop-up stores; pop-up retailing; ephemeral retailing
Purpose of the research: The purpose of this paper is to define pop-up stores.
Design/Methodology: Adopting an exploratory research design, semi-structured interviews and field observations were undertaken with brand managers of different types of pop-up stores and at different industry levels in Lebanon.
Results/findings: A pop-up store is guided by a clear strategy to meet specific objectives using available resources. Research findings highlight a clear distinction between pop-up stores developed by newly established brands and mature brands in terms of purpose and function. The two brand classes can each manifest in four types of pop-up stores: pop-up as a distribution channel, pop-up as a communications channel, pop-up as a distribution and communications channel and pop-up complementing a distribution channel.
Practical implications and conclusions: This study qualitatively explores brand managers’ understanding of pop-up stores, their perceptions and their uses in the Middle Eastern market; a market that hasn’t yet been explored in academic research related to these types of stores. It presents, defines and contextualizes a pop-up store and anchors it among new types of retail formats.
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