
Awareness, consumer behavior, intentions to port, Network portability, speed of porting


The study examined the impact of speed and awareness of portability on intention to port among mobile phone users in southwest Nigeria. The study population comprises of staff and students of public universities in southwest Nigeria, the total population for the study was 313,001 and the sample size of 1522 was arrived at by using the Krecie and Morgan sample size table. The sampling techniques used in the study were both probability and non-probability sampling techniques. The non-probability sample techniques used was the homogenous purposive sampling technique for the selection of two universities (one state university and one federal university) from each state in the Southwest, Nigeria; the probability sample techniques were simple random sampling in order for all the elements of the population to have an equal chance of representation. The study analyzed the data through binary logistic regression. The result of the study indicated that coefficient of speed of porting (β = 0.321, p < 0.05) is positive and significant at 5% level. The results suggested that increase in the rate at which porting can be affected would increase intention to port by about 4%. The coefficient of awareness of porting, which is an indication of level of knowledge of mobile number portability, is also positive and significantly (β = 0.451, p < 0.05) related to consumers intention to port. The study recommends that Government and service providers should take note of the time it will take to port, as it is preferable by subscribers to have less than 48 hours for porting and increase the awareness of portability in order to strengthen the competition and make life better for customers.

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