Workplace environment, environment friendly behaviour, intellectual capital, natural resource, green transformation
Despite the increasing research on green issues within the workplace environment, there is a dearth of studies that have investigated the impact that elements of green intellectual capital and green transformational leadership have on the harmonious habitation of the environment and workplace environment-friendly behaviour. Therefore, this study examines the relationships using a data set of 150 employees working with SMEs in Gauteng Province of South Africa. Seven research hypotheses were postulated, and the hypotheses were empirically tested using sample data from the SME sector in South Africa’s Gauteng Province. The collected data was analysed by means of Structural Equation Modelling using Partial Least Squares. The results indicated that the relationship between green human capital, green structural capital, green relational capital, green transformation leadership and employees’ harmonious habitation of the environment is positive in a significant way. However, green transformation leadership emerged to have a negative and an insignificant impact on workplace environment friendly behavior. Lastly the findings suggested that employees’ harmonious habitation of the environment has a positive and a significant impact on workplace environment friendly behavior. The research paper discusses both academic and managerial implications of the results and future research directions are suggested.
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