Brand Image, Price, Perceived Quality, Perceived Value; Trust, Purchase Intention, Advertising; Country of Origin
This comparative study between the UK and Poland set out to ascertain the key differences in the Skoda motor car brand across a range of brand characteristics, including brand image, price, perceived quality, trust, perceived value, purchase intentions, advertising and the country of origin effect. An online survey was used to collect data across both countries. A sample of 113 respondents was generated, with 58 respondents from the United Kingdom and 55 from Poland. The study found that, in general, the brand image of Skoda in both Poland and the UK was positive. However, it was statistically more positive in Poland. Most brand characteristics were found to be favourable to Skoda, although no further statistical differences were found between the country scores. Although no difference in the country of origin effect was detected statistically, the empirical evidence would suggest some affinity between Poland and Czech Republic, Skoda’s home, due to geographic and historical ties between the countries. Polish respondents were more knowledgeable about Skoda’s roots, which may account for its higher level of popularity in sales terms within that country. Whilst Skoda’s advertising was generally well received, there may be opportunity to embrace a change in tone (e.g. more humorous content) to make the brand more visible and appealing going forward
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