Servicescape, environmental dimensions, perceived quality, behavioral intentions
Intangibility is a defining characteristic of services. The customer of a service offering is involved in an inexorable search for pre-purchase cues that can reduce his degree of perceived risk for the service that he or she intends to purchase. Servicescape, the environment in which a service process takes place, has a paramount influence in re-assuring the customer and eventually enabling him or her in comprehending the experiential outcomes of purchase and consumption. The paper investigates the impact of retailscape (retail servicescape) on behavioral intentions of customers in the retail industry. The servicescape framework in this paper is based on selected aspects of Bitner’s (1992) servicescape framework and Wakefield and Blodgett’s (1994) model. Five servicescape dimensions have been identified, viz. ambient conditions, spatial layout, functionality, spatial signs, symbols and artifacts and cleanliness. The paper studies the impact of these dimensions on the perceived quality of the servicescape and on the shoppers’ desire to stay in the retail store. The research methodology comprises three stages: |
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