Internet banking, website characteristics, perceived privacy & security, TAM, computer efficacy
The increased expansion of E-commerce and internet along with the development of technology has changed business operations and functioning. Internet banking is considered an opportunity for banks to have differentiated services provided for their customers. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that affect customers’ adoption of internet banking in Egypt in light of technology acceptance model (TAM). The study adopted a quantitative approach through distributing questionnaires in public and private banks’ customers operating in Egypt.
The results indicated that website characteristics, computer efficacy, and perceived risk had a direct impact on customers’ adoption of internet banking. These variables were considered an extension to TAM when studying internet banking adoption. It is suggested that financial banks give continuous attention to their websites and provide their customers with easy and useful access to internet banking services. Banks should be concerned with inhibitors of internet banking such as perceived risk in order to keep existing customers and attract new ones.
This paper is the first to investigate the factors that affect customers’ adoption of internet banking in Egypt after banks introduced many of their services over their websites.
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