e-services; retail, customer satisfaction, private higher education
Egypt is one of the significant nations in the district, particularly with its high populace. Although, the Egyptian Higher Education (HE) is the largest in the MENA region, and despite the clear investments in ICT, it still faces serious challenges chief amongst these is students’ satisfaction. Recognizing that universities compete to attract and satisfy students; the main aim of this paper is to investigate the main factors that affect students’ satisfaction in HE in Egypt.
The study focuses on factors like Educational E-Services, Advising Support, Available Information, and Knowledge Acquired. 400 Egyptian HE students at private universities were randomly selected and surveyed using a self-administered structured questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale, where 133 valid questionnaires were returned. Data collected was coded and statistically analysed using SPSS.
When data was tested using chi-square and correlations, significant differences were proven, enabling researchers to reject the null hypotheses. When results were brought together, Educational E-Services, Advising Support, Available Information, and Knowledge Acquired were found to have a significant impact on the Egyptian customer satisfaction at HE. However, the Advising Support is the most influential factor among all variables. Therefore, it requires special attention of decision makers and academics; especially in the Egyptian context, where HE is highly effective with such high population.
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