Innovation, networked information, disruptive ideas, value driver, creative destruction, genesis of new age
A difficult task before any company is to overcome stiff competition it faces. As companies are in the constant struggle to stop defection of customers to the enemy plank; creating balanced portfolios of growth opportunities are called for shaping the future of a company. Authors opine that companies need to look for newer means of value creation without carrying much baggage from the past. Important components of growth engine would be: to separate screening and development processes, to reduce the level of uncertainty and to encourage employees for disruptive ideas. Without mindless borrowing of core assets, companies should be open to new ideas by stripping empirical reality of creative destruction through flap reduction. They should induce passion amongst people and be prepared to fail. An understanding of consumer unconscious mind to read the real reason for buying would open the flood gate for profit and would shift the marketing paradigm. Or else, perhaps, the name of the company would be found in the history book
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