Enterprise application architecture, owner’s physiognomies & incitements, security architecture design, small and medium enterprises, supply chain management, and theory of reasoned action
The adoption of enterprise application architecture (EAA) for supply chain management (SCM) in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) was influenced by the owner’s physiognomies and incitements (OPIs) on a routine basis. The study employs a quantitative approach based on a linear regression model, which uses diagnosis tests “Cronbach's Alpha, normal distribution, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test” that makes descriptive statistics possible on Pearson correlations, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson's Coefficients, and linear regression. The study examines whether OPIs affect the adoption of EAA for SCM in SMEs within Capricorn District Municipality. The paper exploits the original data set of 310 SMEs, targeting predominantly both SMEs’ owners and managers to run linear regression models with the dependent variable “actual adoption of EAA” and independent variable “OPIs”. A novel piece of authenticity for the models is the incorporation of OPIs within the SCM activities and whether there were any, collaborative influences affecting the adoption of EAA. The findings have a bearing on SMEs’ SCM growth strategies, directed towards the technology acceptance model.
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