Socio-demographic Variables, Organisational Performance, Automobile Industry, Sales Professionals, Social Factors
The purpose of the research paper is to analyse the impact of some socio-demographic variables on the organisational performance. The influence of these socio-demographic variables was evaluated in the context of sales professionals working in the automobile sector of Pakistan.
Conclusive research design has been adopted in the study by using quantitative techniques. Responses were gathered by the sample of 500 sales professionals. The results generated from Pearson correlation, One-way ANOVA, and descriptive statistics have been used to understand the relationship of socio-demographic variables with organisational performance and to measure the differences between various designations on performance. Responses were tested by conducting statistical tests by using SPSS.
The findings of the study demonstrated that some of the socio-demographic variables have a significant impact on the organisational performance among sales professionals. It was noticed from the correlation that age, education, designation, and income have a strong relationship with organisational performance, whereas, tenure and perceived socio-economic status and incentive has a moderate relationship. Gender, language, and perceived health status were found having no relationship with organisational performance. There was the difference in the performance of sales management and staff members. This depicts the fact that designation influences the working criteria.
In order to improve organisational performance, the socio-demographic variables that must be considered are age, income, education, and designation. The findings demonstrate that there is the no difference in the performance of managers due to their focus, while, the staff members performance differ from each other. This study is providing analysis for the organisations to understand the factors that must be considered in order to improve overall performance.
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