Innovation, Systematic Literature Review, Factors of Innovation, Organizational Proficiencies, Culture, External Environment, HRM Functions, Market Pressure, Competition.
Purpose of the research: Innovation is the key to organizational success in the present complex and competitive business environment. Numerous factors are continuously affecting the innovative performances of the organizations. researchers across the globe, have pointed out different factors and, often, several thematic factors that have been proven with strong positive effect on the innovation activities and innovation outcomes. The research attempted to find out the most dominating factors of innovations in the organizations through an extensive systematic literature review that ranges from 1973 to 2021.
Methodology: Resulting on the 102 individual influencing factors of innovation through the literature review, the researchers classified those factors into 10 thematic groups, e.g., culture, HRM functions, top management orientation, external environment, organizational proficiencies, leadership, knowledge management, market pressure and competition, technology adaptation and research and development. Besides, the researchers endeavoured to figure out the interrelationships among the identified dominating factors.
Findings: Finally, through couple of propositions, the research successfully identified 5 dominating factors of innovation, e.g., organizational proficiencies, external environment, culture, market pressure and competition, and HRM functions. Among 5, the factors of organizational proficiencies noticed the most dominating. The interrelationships between organizational proficiencies and external environment, culture, market pressure and competition, and HRM functions examined and delivered through an easy-to-understand diagram.
Originality and implications: This robust research is very valuable, firstly, it has accumulated the factors of innovation from the studies of last 50 years, secondly, it has established 10 thematic factors of innovation, and thirdly, the research has figured out the most crucial thematic factor of innovation which accelerates innovation and can control the threats of other relevant factors of innovation.
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