Consumer behavior, Modest sportswear, Muslim consumer, Theory of planned behavior
Women modest sportswear has stepped up the industry of the modest fashion. The emerging economy, combined with the most significant Muslim population, has become the main attraction of Indonesia as a market for this particular fashion style. The purpose of this study is to determine motivating factors which affect the behavior of Indonesian Muslim women in buying modest sportswear by employing The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Expectation, perception, the subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and consume’s attitude toward modest apparel during sport, and purchase intention are the factors to be examined. By employing a Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM), the analysis proclaimed that the effects of expectation, perception and the subjective norm on consumer’s attitude toward modest apparel during sport are confirmed. The result given by perceived behavioral control on purchase intention is higher than the subjective norm. The subjective norm is also being confirmed to affect perceived behavioral control. Further managerial implications are discussed.
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