ecopreneurship, green innovation, success of new products, Balinese Spa product manufacturers.
Current business activity demonstrates the ability to support the economic development of the community. At the same time, it is also considered worrying, due to its perceived role as a cause of environmental damage. This situation requires much attention, namely through environmentally friendly business conduct. Environmentally friendly principles should emerge from within the individual entrepreneurs. The conduct of entrepreneurs that concerns environment in running business is called ecopreneurship. Nevertheless, the implementation needs to be supported by creative green innovations to achieve the success of the products launched. The purpose of this study was to describe the influence of ecopreneurship against green innovation that can affect the creative industry, including manufacturers of Balinese Spa products, to explain the influence of ecopreneurship against the success of new spa supplies describe the influence of green innovations against the success of new products, explain the role of green innovation to bridge the relation between ecopreneurship and the success of the new spa supplies.
Research was conducted on the entire Balinese Spa product manufacturers in Bali that have been already incorporated in the Association of Balinese Spa Product Manufacturers (Aprosspa). This research engaged 40 respondents as the unit of analysis. The analytical technique used was Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the analysis are expected to become consideration by the Balinese Spa product manufacturers in facing the competition further and provide an alternative strategy for implementing green business.
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