
e-WOM Attractiveness, e-Brand Community Trust, e-Brand Community Experience and Brand Loyalty


          This study discusses electronic brand community (e-brand community), especially Xiaomi online community in Indonesia. The goals of this research are (1) to analyse the influence of e-WOM attractiveness on e-brand community trust, (2) to analyse the Influence of e-brand community experience on e-brand community trust and brand loyalty, (3) to analyse e-brand community trust on brand loyalty. The research samples are 139 members of Xiaomi online community in Indonesia. The analysis used in this study is a structural equation modelling (SEM) with AMOS version 21 to process the data. The results show that only e-brand community experience is able to improve brand loyalty. E-WOM attractiveness is unable to improve e-brand community trust. Other results show that e-brand community experience has negative and insignificant influence on e-brand community trust, while e-brand community trust has positive but insignificant influence on brand loyalty. The research implications are: first, focus on building website in which there is an interactive forum. Second, strive to build an active participation of online community members. Third, as an effort for e-WOM attractiveness to raise online community members’ trust, the company needs to actively engage in any opinions made by the leaders of renowned ‘figures’ in  community members and be actively involved in communication with this product communities.

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